
Our high-intensity, low-impact trampoline routines provide the perfect cardio boost you've been looking for, without putting undue strain on your joints. Trampolines are 20% more effective than traditional cardio machines, and put 80% less pressure on your knees, making them a smart choice for anyone who wants to get their heart rate up without any discomfort.

What is Bounce?

BOUNCE is a 30-minute fun, fast, sweat-sesh! It’s a high-intensity, low-impact workout that is gentle on your body while giving you the energetic cardio you crave! Trampolines are 20% more effective than a cardio machine and give 80% less strain to your knees, allowing you to get your heart rate pumping without wearing down your joints. All fitness levels welcome.

BARRE BOUNCE uses the trampoline as a dynamic surface to provide the stable support of the handle bar while boosting the cardio level of classic barre. Barre exercises performed on the trampoline speed up the fun and intensity of this full body low-impact workout!

*Gripper socks are required - we have some for $2 if you need them.

What you’ll need:



Grip Socks

We'll be working on:


